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Egor Koltsov      Entreprenuer, CEO

Businessman, entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of, and the mastermind behind the forthcoming Social Network, Egor K. still considers his greatest achievement as being a loyal devotee to family and friends, and sharing his burgeoning business expertise with fellow entrepreneurs savvy enough to join him.

With a lifelong passion for learning high-level business tactics and major marketing strategies, Egor has created and developed an innovative method related to online mass marketing and large-scale advertising which he plans to fully develop with the launch of his first of many websites.
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As a youngster and while in college, Egor dreamt only of devising and operating companies of multimillion dollar status with strictly marketing and advertising aims. In recent years, Egor has expanded his vision to include an online social network which he confides, "Will rival and eventually eclipse every major social network on the Internet. Our network will provide a zillion bytes of information, entertainment, news, social awareness and growth that will revolutionize the world and become the stuff of Internet legends."

His is obviously a dreamer of epic proportions, but Egor has sensible expectations to which he attributes to many years of self-education and formal studies in a wide array of technical and entrepreneurial subjects; plus a huge plethora of vital knowledge he learned from Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and other famously successful business gurus whom Egor calls his "mentors of success upon whose shoulders I stand!"

With the already unbelievably ongoing success of his first site, Egor is wasting no time letting powerful investors and fellow visionaries in on the action. "I am now creating a triage of upscale, dynamic websites and a consortium of Internet marketing and advertising sites that will conjoin with the most powerful social network ever devised. This I plan to see go global sometime this year. Funding is falling into place, and I want to give every person possible a chance to join in the fun and success."

Even as a child, Egor K. showed entrepreneurial tendencies and exhibited an uncanny interest in business and organization. A learned student of master strategists like Napoleon and Alexander The Great as well as expert proponents of free enterprise economics like Adam Smith and Ayn Rand, Egor has paid his dues and learned his valued lessons while interning at several prestigious marketing firms. He's now taken on the world and does not fear the world taking him on. In fact, he is eager to share this worldly prize with one and all who are daring and smart enough to handle his inimitable vision.

Like many progressive business people and influential thinkers, Egor knew he was not receiving the remuneration, respect and appreciation he deserved. Especially for all the nonpareil marketing expertise and advertising success he was providing other businesses. The time for hanging back and waiting was over. It was time to step forward and make his move. Thus, was born. And the pixel power of the future finally arrived!

"Look, I decided to do something about my lot in life and in business," says Egor. "My goal has always been to create a company based on my marketing skills and unique business ideas. So initially I created the pixel site to bring dynamic marketing and advertising on the Internet to new levels of honest profit and success. The dream and vision of is just beginning!"

Indeed, for Egor and his fellow entrepreneurs are now in the early stages of creating what may become the Internet's most successful online portal ever: the Social Network Site. "Okay," smiles Egor, "No more interning, no more making other businesses rich and famous. I’m making my own destiny. Right now, right here. Online…one pixel at a time.”

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“B”, as he’s referred to by family and friends began his personal and professional life adventure when he dropped out of college as a 20 year-old student-athlete on a basketball scholarship, to entertain a modeling career in Europe. The global travel taught him much about people, culture and the business of advertising/marketing while living in places like Milan, Paris, London, Manhattan, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Aspen and San Francisco before settling in Los Angeles permanently in the spring of 2000. Although the modeling continued, acting was the natural progression for the career path and location, so the studying began. After training with the likes of Joanne Baron, D.W. Brown and Howard Fine, Brad made many appearances on television and in film, which was just enough to satisfy his interests in the industry before finding his real niche as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. After a number of successful clothing businesses, came failure in the high-end restaurant delivery business, another attempt in the apparel market, and the unfortunate decline of real estate nationwide. Opportunistic and always up for a challenge, but staying with what he knew best, Brad took the position of Director of Marketing for a popular fashion magazine in L.A. Where, while during an event, he met another young visionary with a tremendously passionate spirit for healthy creative success and a common family loyalty that provoked an immediate change in direction. Technology is the name of the game when it comes to mass communication for the 21st Century and the levels of success attainable in the field are unparalleled. Now, as the humble yet extremely excited President of, Brad knows the adventure is once again… just beginning!

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Entreprenuer, CEO
Egor Koltsov - CEO of
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